Setting My New Goals

My first goal in personal finance for myself was to be able to not live paycheck to paycheck in a sense that I knew that if an emergency arose, I would be able to handle the emergency and know that I could still pay my bills. I have hit that goal in life. YAY! 

So now I move forward with my personal finance and try to build something for my family. I have recently started trying to learn more about investing and high yield savings accounts. I am so offended that I am in my 30’s and just now learning about a high yield savings account! What the fuck?! Why are people hiding this from the general public?! Having your money work harder for you while you just save it in this savings account. I am offended enough for me and everyone else in my shoes who don’t know about them! Ok, so no one is really hiding them, but no one teaches this in the general school or talks about them in my daily life. 

But, now I know! And now I have one! We are going to see if we can start building a bigger base for wealth and stability for my family. And more importantly, I can start teaching my kiddo’s about this too 🙂


Financial Self-Care: Nurturing Your Financial Well-being


Financial Self-Care